Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Good Antioxidant That Works

BioNovix is a world class nutritional supplement company that prides themselves on providing the best of what this industry has to offer.

They have revolutionary products backed by sound science, and a knowledgeable support team. Working together to encourage a lifestyle that inspires others, BioNovix offers a path to achieve total balance, from the inside out.

The prices on the Bionovix line of supplement products have been lowered recently and one product I like is Meridium XN Antioxidant The ingredients have 6 times more power than citrus antioxidants. In addition to keeping cholesterol down, it helps to maintain healthy glucose and insulin levels.

Meridium is a part of keeping a healthy heart, along with the cornea and retina in your eyes. It also seems like you have more energy when you take it as they recommend.

Bionovix scientific research indicates that the active ingredients in MeridiumXN, when taken daily, can bring your body back to metabolic balance.

I also found I can take an extra 12% off MeridiumXN this week by using the healthy12 coupon when I go online and order.

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